Capacity of the Derby: 1.000 stations

  – Receiving Pigeons: during 10th of March – 10th of June 2019

  • The number of pigeons that can be brought by a breeder or tandem is unlimited.

**** For the third Edition we offer to those interested from Romania and abroad, for purchase and activation in the Derby International Brasov, young pigeons from „Futural Brasov” reproduction center (Robbert Ten Berge – Holland and Sorin Răuţă – Romania), having Dutch rings. Pics / pedigrees will be shown and future owners will enter full rights.

Entry fee: 60 Euro/pigeon (or equivalent in RON) and can participate with minimum 2 pigeons.

5 pigeons team = 300 Euro + 1 Free (WITHOUT ADDITIONAL ACTIVATION)

10 pigeons team = 600 Euro + 2 Free

15 pigeons team = 900 Euro + 3 Free

  • The pigeons must be paid at the entry into the Derby.
  • The participants will pay the entry fee directly at the Derby or can deposit the money in the accounts open at:
  • Banca Comercială Română, on the name Răuță Sorin, as follows:

***Cont IBAN RON: RO92RNCB0054101408380002



***Cont IBAN EURO: RO81RNCB0054101408380006




  • Have 2019 registration ring.
  • Be accompanied by pedigree and ownership counterfoil for the ring, on the date of entry into the Derby.
  • BE INOCULATED AGAINST PARAMIXOVIROSIS 14 days before delivery and present a good health condition in the moment of entry into the Derby.


  • At the entry into the Derby, pigeons will be filmed and presented on social networks.
  • Pigeons will receive electronic chip and will be booked into the Derby system in max. 5 days from arrival date.
  • Trainings and Races can be followed online at: TIPES One Loft Race LIVE,
  • Organizers will not be responsible in case of thefts, accidents.
  • Organizers are responsible for ensuring the best conditions for feeding, treatment, including inoculation against paramixovirosis and diphtheria-smallpox (smallpox), for trainings and security of the registered pigeons.
  • First inventory will take place on the 15th of June 2019. The owners of the missing pigeons will be contacted by the organizers and can be replaced until the 20th of June.
  • If before the first racing stage (Ludus – 140 Km) some of the breeders will not have any remaining pigeon into the Derby, they will get free registration for the same number of pigeons for the 2020 Edition.


***** AS Pigeon is considered to be the pigeon that ranks all 5 racing stages in the first 30% arrived.


**** For the “AS Breeder” Category will be counted the first 2 most constant pigeons that belong to the same breeder, ranking in the first 30% of the 5 racing stages.



  • The Award Ceremony will take place on the 7th of September 2019, the day of Foro ( Hungary) ( 450 Km.) Final Stage.
  • The final contest in the 7th of September 2019 will last on the launching day and the next day until 22.00 hour.
  • If there will be not enough pigeons ranking for all the prizes, the rest of the prizes will be divided to all the pigeons that have arrived.
  • If no pigeon will arrive / rank during the contest time, all prizes will be divided to all basketed pigeons for the Final.
  • Young pigeons replaced in the 2018 Edition will not count for the prizes calculation.
  • All pigeons arriving at the Final Stage Foro ( Hungary),450 Km. will be auctioned, WILL BE SOLD BY ON-LINE AUCTION and the amount received for each pigeon will be distributed as follows: 40% to the owner, 40% to the Derby and 20% for auction costs.
  • Owners who fail to send pedigree or ownership counterfoil do not benefit from the auction price.
  • Pigeons that have not been sold can be purchased by their owners for 30 Euro (or RON) within 7 days from the auction. After 7 days they will be owned by the Derby.
  • Pigeon basketing for all trainings and races will be made in special transport cases for pigeons. Derby organizers will take care of the basketing, transport and launch, SUPERVISED BY ANY PARTICIPANT WILLING TO ATTEND.


1.  Mina 1 Mai (5Km.)  – miercuri 17.07.19
2. Codlea (12 Km.) – vineri 19.07.19
3. Vladeni (18 Km.)  – luni 22.07.19
4. Sercaia (30 Km.) – joi 25.07.19
5. Fiser (55 Km) – luni 29.07.19

6. Sighisoara (85 Km.) – vineri 02.08.19


  1. Ludus ( 140 Km) – joi 08.08.19
  2.  Feleacu ( 180 Km) – joi 15.08.196
  3.  Huedin ( 235 Km) – joi 22.08.19
  4.  Semifinala Carei ( 320 Km)  – joi  29.08.19
  5.  Finala Foro ( Hungary)  ( 450 KM) – sambata 07.09.19


**** Organizers reserve their right to change the date / place for each race / training depending on the weather conditions, Bird Flu or any other extreme cases.

**** The manager has no right to participate in this Derby.

Pigeons can be sent to the Derby as follows:

  • Directly at the Derby place:
  • Strada Spicului nr. 5 ,orasul Rasnov, jud. Brasov, Post code 505400, Romania

Shipment costs are the responsibility of the owner / participant.

For further details please contact the Derby manager:

Răuță Sorin: tel. (004) 0737 219 361
